Chapter 5 Sample QoS configuration 311
Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2
Figure 116 Layer 2 Classification page
Configuring actions
When you assign actions to filters, you specify the type of behavior you want a
policy to apply to a flow of IP and IEEE 802 packets. Actions applied to filters
establish packet-specific criteria that determine how a packet is to be processed.
You specify the actions associated with spec ific IP a nd layer 2 fil ter groups . When
filters match incoming packets, the actions are performed on those packets.
Actions can be configured to re-mark packets, to change priorities and loss
sensitivity (drop precedence), or to drop packets. In order to use a particular
action, that action must be assigned to a m et er (refer to Configuring meters on
page 313).
To configure an action:
1Click the Application > QoS > QoS Advanced > Actions menu option.
The Actions page opens (Figure 117).