248 Chapter 3 Using the console interface
The Spanning Tree Switch Settings screen (Figure92) allows you to view
spanning tree parameter values for the selected STP Group. (STP Group 1 is the
default STP group.)
To open the Spanning Tree Switch Settings screen:
➨Choose Spanning Tree Switch Settings (or press d) from the Spanning Tree
Configuration Menu screen.
Path Cost This read-only field is a bridge spanning tree parameter that determines the lowest path
cost to the root.
Default Value 10 or 100 (1 for Gigabit port)
Path Cost = 1000/LAN speed (in Mb/s)
The higher the LAN speed, the lower the path cost.
See also Priority.
Range 1 to 65535
State This read-only field indicates the current port state within the spanning tree network.
Each port can transition to various states, as determined by the Participation field setting.
For example, when the Participation field is set to disabled, the port does not participate
in spanning tree and transitions to the Forwarding state (the default). When the
Participation field is set to Normal Learning or Fast Learning, the port transition s from the
Disabled state through the Blocking, Listening, and Learning states before entering the
Forwarding state.
Default Value Topology dependent
Range Disabled, Blocking, Listening, Learning, Forwarding
Note: You can remove a port from the specified STP Group by toggli ng
the Participation field to Disabled.
Tabl e 46 Spanni ng Tree Port Configuration screen fields (continued)
Field Description