250 Chapter 3 Using the console interface
Table 4 7 describes the Spanning Tree Switch Se tti ngs parameters.
Tabl e 47 Spanning Tree Switch S ettings parameters
Parameter Description
STP Group The field allows you to select the number of the spanning tree group (STG) you want to
view. To view another STG, type that STG ID number and press [Enter], or press the
spacebar on your keyboard toto toggle the STP Group numbers.
Default Value 1
Range 1 to 8; only created STP Groups display
Bridge Priority For STP Group, indicates the management-assigned priority value of the bridge ID in
hexadecimal notation, which is the most significant byte of the bridge ID. Spanning tree
uses this parameter to determine the root bridge (or designated bridge). For example,
the bridge with the lowest bridge ID becomes the root bridge, with Bridge Priority values
compared first, followed by the hardware addresses.
Root For STP Group, indicates the bridge ID of the root bridge, as determined by spanning
Root Port For STP Group, indicates the switch port number that offers the lowest path cost to the
root bridge.
Root Path Cost For STP Group, indicates the path cost to the root bridge.
Hello Time For STP Group, indicates the Actual Hello Interval, the amount of time between
transmissions of configuration Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) that the root bridge is
currently using.
Note that all bridges participating in the spanning tree network use the root bridge ’s Hello
Interval parameter value. See also Bridge Hello Time.