Index 405
Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2
Trunk Members field 210
Trunk Name field 210
Trunk Status field 210
IEEE 802.1Q tagging 105
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN workgroups 104
UUndersized Packets field 229
Unit Select switch 95
Uplink/Expansion slot 38
user priority 128
User-Defined PID field 193
User-Defined Protocol Identifier Description
(PID) 195
VVLAN Configuration Menu 166, 187
VLAN Configuration screen 189
VLAN Display by Port screen 200
VLAN Membership field 253
VLAN Name field 192
VLAN Names field 201
VLAN State field 193
VLAN Type field 192
VLANs 48, 104
Configuration Menu 166, 188
configuration rules 51, 122, 133, 145
default settings 106
examples 120
IVL 64
MAC-SA-based 64
network example 87
number of 65, 187
number of protocols 187
port-based 63
ports 189
protocol-based 64, 187
shared servers 114
spanning tree groups 87, 147, 339
stacking 35
SVL 64
WWEB Access field 256
Web-based management 56