392 Appendix F Default Settings
Note: The following two fields only appear when the switch is a participant in a stack configuration.
New Unit Number Current stack order “Renumber Stack Units screen” on
Renumber units with new setting? No
Group 1 “Spanning Tree Group Configuration
screen” on page242
Bridge Priority 8000
Bridge Hello Time 2 seconds
Bridge Maximum Age Time 20 seconds
Bridge Forward Delay 15 seconds
Add VLAN Membership 1
Tagged BPDU on tagged port •STP Group 1—No
•Other STP Groups—Yes
STP Group State •STP Group 1—Active
Other STP Groups—InActive
STP Group 1 “Spanning Tree Port Configuration
screen” on page245
Participation Normal Learning
Priority 128
Path Cost 10 or 100
STP Group 1 “Spanning Tree Switch Settings
screen” on page248
STP Group 1 “Spanning Tree VLAN Membership
screen” on page252
TELNET Access Enabled “TELNET/SNMP/Web Access
Configuration screen” on page254
Login Timeout 1 minute
Login Retries 3
Inactivity Timeout 15 minutes
Tabl e 74 Factory default settings (continued)
Field Default setting Appears in this CI screen