Bridge Priority For the STP Group, indicates the management-assigned priority value of the bridge ID in
hexadecimal notation, which is the most significant byte of the bridge ID. The STA uses
this parameter to determine the root bridge (or designated bridge). For example, the
bridge with the lowest bridge ID becomes the root bridge, with Bridge Priority values.
Default Value 0x8000
Range 0 to 0xFFFF
Bridge Hello
Time For the STP Group, indicates the Hello Interval (the amount of time between
transmissions of BPDUs) specified by management for this bridge. This pa ramete r takes
effect only when this bridge becomes the root bridge.
Note that, although you can set the Hello Interval for a bridge using bridge management
software, once the spanning tree computation process is complete, all bridges
participating in the spanning tree network use the root bridge’s Hello Interval parameter
value. If any bridge becomes the root bridge, its Hello In terv al p aram et er va lue becomes
the Actual Hello Interval parameter value for all bridges participating in the span ning tre e
network. See also Hello Time.
Default Value 2 seconds
Range 1 to 10 seconds
Bridge Max.
Age Time For the STP Group, specifies the maximum age (in seconds) that a Hello message can
attain before it is discarded. This parameter, specified by management for this bridge,
takes effect only when the bridge becomes the root bridge.
Note that, if this bridge becomes the root bridge, its Maximum Age Time paramete r value
becomes the Actual Maximum Age Time parameter value for all bridges participating in
the spanning tree network. See also Maximum Age Time.
Default Value 20 seconds
Range 6 to 40 seconds
Bridge Forward
Delay Time For the STP Group indicates the Forward Delay parameter value specified by
management for this bridge. This parameter takes effect only when this bridge become s
the root bridge.
The Forward Delay parameter value specifies the amount of time that the bridge ports
remain in the Listening and Learning states before entering the Forwarding state.
Note that all bridges participating in the spanning tree network use the root bridge’s
Forward Delay parameter value. See also Fo rward Delay.
Default Value 15 seconds
Range 4 to 30 seconds
Membership Allows you to add a VLAN to the specified spanning tree group.
Default Value 1
Range 1 to 4094
Tabl e 45 Spanning Tree Group C onfiguration parameters (continued)Parameter Description