Index 403
Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2
configuration 216
Rate Limiting Configuration screen 166, 217
Read-Only Community String field 161
Read-Write Community String field 161
Re-authenticate Now field 186
Re-authentication field 186
Re-authentication Period field 186
Renumber Stack Units screen 238
request mode, choosing 157
Reset Count field 157, 163
Reset screen 153
Reset to Default Settings screen 154
Retrieve Configuration File from Server field 268
Retrieve Configuration Image from Server
field 264
RFCs 84
RJ-45 port connector
illustration 381
pin assignments 382
Root Path Cost field 250
Root Port field 250
sample ASCII config file 54
sample QoS configuration 294
scripting with CLI 48
Secondary RADIUS Server field 237
EAPOL-based network security 71
IP manager list 56
MAC address-based network security 70
management access 254
RADIUS-based network security 70
Security field 176
Select VLAN ID field 169
Server Timeout field 187
settings, default 387
Single Collisions field 229
Size of Stack field 163
SNMP 81, 84
SNMP Access field 256
SNMP Configuration screen 152, 160
snooping 122
download process 261
image upgrades 76
interoperability 34
versions 47, 239, 343
Software Download screen 153, 257, 259
spanning tree 240
configuration rules 51, 133, 145
Spanning Tree Configuration Menu 153, 240
Spanning Tree FastStart 53
Spanning Tree Group Configuration screen 241,
spanning tree groups 35, 49, 240
configuration rules 51
Spanning Tree Port Configuration screen 241, 245
Spanning Tree Switch Settings screen 248
Spanning Tree VLAN Membership screen 252
Speed/Duplex field 204
stack MAC address 97
stack operational mode 49, 65
Stack Operational Mode screen 167, 230
stack up/down configurations 98
Stack UpTime field 157
stacking 33, 40, 87, 147, 151, 163, 230, 339, 340
base unit 96
cascade module slot 43
considerations 101
initial installation 96
installation guidelines 101
network example 92
overview 93
redundancy 102