332 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
Normal power-up sequence
In a normal power-up sequence, the LEDs appear as follows:
1After power is applied to the switch, the Pwr (P o wer) LED turns on within 5
2The switch initiates a self-test, during which the port LEDs display various
patterns to indicate the progress of the self-test.
3Upon successful completion of the self-test (within 10 seconds after power is
applied), the Status LED turns on.
4The remaining port LEDs indicate their operational status, as described in
Table 6 0.
Tabl e 60 Corrective actions
Symptom Probable cause Corrective action
All LEDs are off. The switch is not receiving AC
power. Verify that the AC power cord is fastened securely
at both ends and that power is available at the AC
power outlet.
The fans are not operating or
the airflow is blocked, causing
the unit to overheat.
Verify that there is sufficient space for adequate
airflow on both sides of the switch.
Note: Operating temperature for the
switch must not exceed 40°C (104°F). Do
not place the switch in areas where it can
be exposed to direct sunlight or near
warm air exhausts or heaters.
The Activity LED for a
connected port is off or
does not blink (and you
have reason to believe
that traffic is present).
The switch is experiencing a
port connection problem. See Port connection problems next.
The switchs link partner is not
autonegotiating properly.
The Status LED is off. A fatal error was detected by
the self-test. Cycle the power to the switch (disconnect and
then reconnect the AC power cord).
If the problem persists, replace the switch.