256 Chapter 3 Using the console interface
TELNET Access Specifies if Telnet access is allowed and only to those on the list.
Default Value: Access: Enabled; Use List: Yes
Range: Access: Enabled, Disabled; Use List: Yes, No
SNMP Access Specifies if SNMP access is allowed and only to those on the list. (SNMP access
includes the DM system.)
Default Value: Access: Enabled; Use List: Yes
Range: Access: Enabled, Disabled; Use List: Yes, No
WEB Access Specifies if access to the Web-based management system is allowed and only to those
on the list.
Default Value: Access: Enabled; Use List: Yes
Range: Access: Enabled, Disabled; Use List: Yes, No
Allowed Source
IP Address Specifies up to 10 user-assigned host IP addresses that are allowed T elnet ac cess to the
management systems.
Default Value: (no IP address assigned)
Range: Four-octet dotted-decimal notation, where each octet is represented
as a decimal value, separated by a decimal point
Allowed Source
Mask Specifies up to 10 user-assigned allowed source address masks. The remote IP address
is masked with the Allowed Source Mask and, if the resulting value equals the Allowed
Source IP address, the connection is allowed.
For example, a connection would be allowed with the following settings:
Remote IP address =
Allowed Source IP Address =
Allowed Source Mask =
Default Value: (no IP mask as signed)
Range: Four-octet dotted-decimal notation, where each octet is represented
as a decimal value, separated by a decimal point
Tabl e 49 TELNET/SN MP/Web Access Configuration screen fields (continued)
Field Description