Chapter 5 Sample QoS configuration 317
Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2
This entry is the unique Role Combination that you created.
6In the Order field, enter 1.
7In the Meter field, choose Practice.
8In the Track Statistics field, choose Yes.
9Click Submit.
The new entry is displayed in the Policy Table.
Note: Nortel Networks recommends that you consider an order
numbering strategy (for the values in the Order field) as you configure
policies. The policies in the Policy Table are arranged in ascendin g order
according to value in the Order column. By establishing a policy
ordering scheme in multiples of, for example, 10 (Order 10, Order 20,
Order 30, Order 40, and so on), you are able to insert policies in the
appropriate filter precedence location and still retain the precedence of
the remaining policies.