196 Chapter 3 Using the console interface
The MAC Address Configuration for MAC-SA Based VLAN screen (Figure68)
allows you to configure specific MAC SA-based VLANs. This screen allows you
to select a MAC SA-based VLAN.
Figure 68 MAC Address Configuration for MAC-SA Based VLAN screen
Table 2 6 describes the MAC Address Configuration for MAC-SA Based VLAN
screen fields.
Tabl e 26 MAC Add ress Configuration for MAC-SA Based VLAN screen fields
Field Description
MAC-SA Based
VLAN Allows you to select a MAC SA-based VLAN.
Default The least-valued active MAC-SA based VLAN will be displayed.
Range 2 to 4094 (must be a currently active MAC-SA based VLAN)
MAC Address Allows you to enter a MAC address. If the address is alread y present in the selected
MAC-SA based VLAN, its state is displayed. Otherwise, that address will be
activated in the MAC-SA based VLAN.
MAC Address State Displays current state (Active) or allows you to delete a MAC address (Delete).
MAC Address Configuration for MAC-SA Based VLAN
MAC-SA Based VLAN: [ ]
Display/Create MAC Address: [ 00-00-00-00-00-00 ]
MAC Address State: [ Delete ]
KEY: > = Select MAC address
Use space bar to display choices or enter text. Press Ctrl-R to return to
previous menu. Press Ctrl-C to return to Main Menu.