184 Chapter 3 Using the console interface


To open the EAPOL Security Configuration screen:

Choose EAPOL Security Configuration (or press e) from the Switch

Configuration Menu.

Figure 65 EAPOL Security Configuration screen

Table 2 1 describes the EAPOL Security Configuration screen options.

Tabl e 21 EAPOL s ecurity configuration screen options

Option Description
EAPOL Administrative
State Allows you to enable or disable EAPOL for your switch or stack. When this
field is set to disabled (the default state), the Operational Status for all of the
switch/stack ports is set to Authorized (no security restriction).
Default Disabled
Range Disabled, Enabled
Unit Allows you to select the unit number (when stacking is configured) to vi ew or
configure. To view or configure another unit, type its unit number and press
[Enter], or press the spacebar to toggle the unit numbers. If you set this field
value to All, other screen field values you modify apply to all stack ports.
EAPOL Security Configuration
EAPOL Administrative State: [ Disabled ]
Unit: [ 1 ] Port: [ 1 ]
Initialize: [ No ]
Administrative Status: [ Force Authorized ]
Operational Status: Authorized
Administrative Traffic Control:[ Incoming and Outgoing ]
Operational Traffic Control: Incoming and Outgoing
Re-authenticate Now: [ No ]
Re-authentication: [ Enabled ]
Re-authentication Period: [ 3600 seconds ]
Quiet Period: [ 60 seconds ]
Transmit Period: [ 30 seconds ]
Supplicant Timeout: [ 30 seconds ]
Server Timeout: [ 30 seconds ]
Maximum Requests: [ 2 ]
Use space bar to display choices, press <Return> or <Enter> to select choice.
Press Ctrl-R to return to previous menu. Press Ctrl-C to return to Main Menu.