162 Alternative Call Routing for Network Bandwidth Management
How Alternative Call Routing for NBWM worksWhen a user dials a station-to-station call between two different zones (that
is, the calling and called telephones are not located in the same geographic
area) and the bandwidth limit has been reached, then the Alternative Call
Routing feature is invoked.
The following steps occur in Alternative Call Routing scenarios.
Call from branch office telephone in Normal Mode1. The interzone station-to-station call is attempted. There is insufficient
bandwidth available to makethe call.
2. The main office inserts the ALTPrefixassociated with the originator’s
zone (the branch office in this case) before the dialed digits.
3. The main officeuses Coordinated Dialing Plan (CDP) or Vacant Number
Routing (VNR) to route the call to a virtual trunk.
4. A request ismade tothe NRS in orderto deter mine the endpoint. The
NRS returns the branch office address as the endpoint.
5. The call is routed onthe vir tual trunk to the branch office.
6. The branch office treats the ALTPrefixas a steering code. The
branch office determines the Route List Index (RLI) and uses a
Digit Manipulation Index (DMI) to change the dialed number into a
PSTN/MCDN format number.
7. The call is routedover the PSTN/MCDN trunks to the telephone atthe
main office or other branch office.
Call from main office telephone to branch office telephone1. The interzone station-to-station call is attempted. There is insufficient
bandwidth available to makethe call.
2. The main office inserts the ALTPrefixassociated with the originator’s
zone (the main office in this case) before the dialed digits.
3. The main office uses CDP and recognizes the ALTPrefixas a steering
4. The main office determines the RLI and uses a DMI to change the
dialed number into a PSTN/MCDN format number.
5. The call is routed over the PSTN/MCDN to the telephone at the branch
With the ALTPrefixdigits inser ted, the resulting number mustbe one that
CDP or VNR software can process as a steering code.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Main Office Configuration Guide forSRG 50
NN43001-307 02.02 Standard
Release 5.0 3 December 2007
Copyright© 2005-2007, Nor tel Networks