70 Dialing Plan configuration
Option 1
DN ranges in the main office and SRG are unique; DNs for SRG IP
Phone are the same in Normal and Local Mode
This is the recommended CDP configuration to offer seamlessdialing.
In this configuration, the user dials the same DN for SRG IP Phones in
either Normal or Local Mode. The DN for SRG IP Phones are configured to
be the same on both the SRG and main office. This allows seamless dialing
from both the SRG and main office. However, in this configuration, the DN
range for telephones registered at the SRG is unique from the DN range for
telephones registered at the main office.
The advantage of this configuration is that the system manages the routing
for the SRG IP Phones, so users in the SRG and main office do not have to
be aware of whether the SRG is in Normal Mode.
See Figure 17 "CDP Option 1" (page 70).
Figure 17
CDP Option 1
Call scenarios Common call scenarios for this CDP option are listed
in "Call scenarios" (page 65). The following additional call scenarios are
unique to this CDP option:
An SRG analog telephone registered to the SRG calls a telephone
registered at the main office that can also be an SRG IP Phone in
Normal Mode.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Main Office Configuration Guide forSRG 50
NN43001-307 02.02 Standard
Release 5.0 3 December 2007
Copyright© 2005-2007, Nor tel Networks