iRIS 220 / iRIS 320, V1.19 User Guide - 64
11 Appendix B – Voice Annunciation (iRIS 320V)
The iRIS 320 can be supplied with a voice annunciation feature. In this case it is then allocated the designation, iRIS 320V.
To maintain high quality, natural local sounding audio, including support for almost any language, the iRIS 320V uses special PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) sound files. These are stored in the unit in a dedicated flash memory device that has a total capacity of 2Mb. The files are created from standard
To optimise the speed of operation against the available memory, the audio file storage has been divided into four “partitions”, each able to hold a fixed number of files that can be easily indexed by the iRIS 320V controller. The partitioning has been designed to allow sufficient space for future bilingual voice support.
Partition | Function | Max File Length |
0 | Standard Sounds | 1 second |
1 | Sensor Units | 2 seconds |
2 | Sensor Names | 3 seconds |
3 | Site Name / Misc Instructions | 5 seconds |
Number of Files 44 18 18 12
Partition 0
This partition holds the standard sound files for the digits
Message 1: | “One” | Message 11: | “Point” |
Message 2: | “Two” | Message 12: | “Minus” |
Message 3: | “Three” | Message 13: | spare |
Message 4: | “Four” | Message 14: | spare |
Message 5: | “Five” | Message 15: | spare |
Message 6: | “Six” | Message 16: | spare |
Message 7: | “Seven” | Message 17: | spare |
Message 8: | “Eight” | Message 18: | spare |
Message 9: | “Nine” | Message 19: | spare |
Message 10: | “Zero” | Message 20: | spare |
Partition 1
This partition holds the specific sound files for the units of the nine sensors. For example, if Sensor 3 is measuring air temperature in °C, then the file load ed into Partition 2, Message 3 should contain the local language phrase for “Degrees Celsius”.
Partition 2
This partition holds the specific sound files for the measurement names of the nine sensors. For example, if Sensor 3 is measuring air temperature in °C, then t he file loaded into Partition 1, Message 3 should contain the local language name for “Air Temperature”.
Partition 3
This partition holds the specific sound files for the site name and specific instructions or information relating to the site.
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