auto-keyguard feature 212, 213

Auto-Keyguard list 213 Automatically download

MMS messages check box 110

auto-off interval 251 available memory 220 available storage space 220


back view (device) 6 backgrounds 133, 140, 147,


backing up information 65, 225, 228

backlight (keyboard) 24, 221 backlight shut-off interval 25 Backspace key 20, 24, 26 backup and restore

application 75 backup utilities 225, 228,


backups, restoring 228, 240 battery

Bluetooth connections and 124

charging 9–10conserving power for 221

disposing of 229, 259 inserting 8 maximizing life of 11–12purchasing 9 removing 227, 229 replacing 228–229specifications for 263 viewing remaining power

for 221 viewing status of 62

battery door 7 battery door release 6 battery icon 10 Battery Power tab 25 battery status icons 62 Battery tab 221

Beam File command 193 Beam tab 195 Beam… command 194 beaming 12, 188, 193–195,

251 birthdays 156 blank screens 231

Block incoming calls list 57 Block outgoing calls list 57 blocking phone calls 57 Bluetooth connections

battery level and 124 battery life and 11

checking status of 53 communicating over 51 hands-free devices and

51, 52, 53 overview 123 synchronizing over 80

Bluetooth devices beaming to 194 connecting to 51–53,


creating partnerships for 125

discovery setting for 126 phone calls and 53 receiving information over

124, 126

sending information over 124, 126

troubleshooting 234 Bluetooth icon 53, 63, 124 Bluetooth Plug-in 124, 128 Bluetooth Settings screen

124–127 Bluetooth wireless

technology 115, 193, 251 BMP files 138

Bold option 170 bookmarks 119

See also favorites

270I N D E X

Page 278
Image 278
Palm 750 manual 203, 240, 123-126, 124, Bluetooth wireless