wirelessly 68, 75, 80, 81, 240

with multiple computers 81

with sync cable 75 with third-party

applications 71, 228 system alarms 217 system dates and time 216 system errors 232 system locks 212, 215 system requirements 71,


system settings 216–222, 227

system sounds 7, 204 system warnings 205


tables in documents 168 tabs 18

taking pictures 133–134, 244 tapping 17, 20, 207 tapping sounds 205

task categories 160, 161 Task tab 160


adding notes to 160 completing 160

creating 159 customizing 161 deleting 161 displaying 161 filtering 161

filtering and sorting 161 marking as sensitive 160 setting due dates for 160 setting reminders for 160,


Tasks application 159–161Tasks entry bar 159, 161 Tasks icon 159

Tasks list 161

Tasks tab (Connections) 222, 223, 224

TDD devices 56, 258 technical support 249 telecommunications devices

for impaired. See TTY devices

temperature range 265 templates

documents 169, 172 multimedia messages 107 notes 163, 164 spreadsheets 174, 176,


text messages 107

Templates folder 169, 176 tentative appointments 155 text

aligning 171 changing 169 copying 121 deleting 20

entering 24, 25, 211, 212 finding and replacing 169,

211 formatting 170 highlighting 20, 170 moving or copying 169 resizing 119, 206 selecting 20 spell-checking 92, 171 word-processing features

for 168 text captions 104 text fields

moving to 18

opening drop-down lists in 23

removing text in 20 scrolling through 18

text files 219 text messages

creating 101 deleting 109, 110

I N D E X 299

Page 307
Image 307
Palm 750 manual Wirelessly 68, 75, 80, 81, System settings 216-222