Chapter 2 Exploring Your Handheld

Previous/next arrows

Pick list


box Scroll bar

Command button

Check box

Tap a check box to select or deselect it. When a check box


contains a check mark, the corresponding option is selected


and active. When a check box is empty, the corresponding


option is deselected and inactive.

Command buttons

Tap a button to perform a command. Command buttons


appear at the bottom of dialog boxes and application



Next/previous arrows

Pick list

Scroll bar

Tap the left and right arrows to display the previous and next records; tap the up and down arrows to display the previous and next pages of information.

Tap the arrow to display a list of choices, and then tap an item in the list to select it.

Drag the slider, or tap the top or bottom arrow, to scroll the display one line at a time. To scroll to the previous page, tap the scroll bar just above the slider. To scroll to the next page, tap the scroll bar just below the slider.

You can also scroll to the previous and next pages within a record by pressing Up and Down on the navigator.

Displaying online tips

Many of the dialog boxes that appear on your handheld contain an online Tips icon in the upper-right corner. Online tips anticipate questions you might have in a dialog box, provide shortcuts for using the dialog box, or give you other useful information.