A. Command Line Interface
Show Commands
Table A-17. Show Commands (1 of 10)
show alarms
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Displays a list of the current alarm conditions, if any.
Possible alarm conditions include:
Alarm: Management Address Conflict
Alarm: Failed Selftest
Alarm: System Error
Alarm: DSL Handshake Failure
No alarm condition is set
Alarm condition reverts to Normal when the problem has been corrected.
show arp
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Sample show arp display: |
| |
MAC addr | timeout (min) status | ||
x.x.x.x | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx | xxxx | xxxx |
–Timeout value shown is the actual time left for the specific entry.
–For configured static entries, the timeout value shown is Static.
–Status is Complete or Incomplete.
show arp timeout
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Sample show arp timeout display:
ARP – timeout for complete = xx min. timeout for incomplete = xx sec.
November 2003 |