25 Printing Patient Reports Sample Report Printouts
ECG Reports
Below the header on ECG Reports, the numeric block shows the current HR, PVC, and ST values.
The wave area shows the printed waves for all available ECG leads. A 1 mV calibration bar is printed at
the beginning of each wave. With the 3X4, 6X2, and 2X4 formats, a rhythm stripe prints a longer
section of the ECG wave from the primary ECG lead for ECG rhythm evaluation. The ECG signal
bandwidth, the patient’s paced status, the ECG gain, and the print speed are printed at the bottom of
the wave area. Pace pulse marks are automatically printed beside the wave for paced patients. Beat
labels can be set to print on the rhythm stripe. The 12X1 (2P) format prints the report over two pages.
Other Reports
See the sections on Trends and Calculations and the chapter on Event Surveillance for other example
ECG Report type Available Formats Available Paper Sizes
12-Lead ECG 3X4 landscape A4, letter, A3, ledger
6X2 landscape A4, letter, A3, ledger
12X1 portrait A4 and letter only
12X1 landscape A4, letter, A3, ledger
12X1 (2P) landscape A4, letter (2 pages)
Multi-lead ECG 2X4 landscape A4, letter, A3, ledger
8X1 portrait A4 and letter only
8X1 landscape A4, letter, A3, ledger
Wave area