fast startup power, 68 firmware, upgrading, 77 frame delay, changing, 76 frame tearing, fixing, 76
gain, 73 gamma, 71, 73 graphics card setup
AMD, 51
HDMI 3D frame packing, 72 humidity, 119
input setup, 18 installation
before you build, 28 of display on a wall, 29 of LCD, 28
of video wall, 19 planning, 19
space requirements, 19 UltraRes control software, 61 USB drivers for UltraRes control, 64
IR codes, using, 112 IR commands
for UltraRes, 113 protocol, 112
IR not working, 146
IR sensor, connecting, 39
kickstand bracket
for LCD mounts, 25 using, 38
landscape wall mounts front view, 126, 136 side views, 127, 137
LCD installation, 28 mounts, 24
optical specifications, 118 wipes, 19
LCD module, 24 contents in box, 24 dimensions, 117 operating temperature, 119 orientation, 117
screen brightness, 118 specifications, 117 uniformity, 118 viewing angle, 118
LED behavior, 141 LED codes, 141
local dimming on/off, 75
local dimming, turning on/off, 75 low power standby mode, 68
MacBooks, 4K from, 44 manufacturer’s address, 148 mechanical specifications, 117 monitoring SNMP, 110
mounting template for LCD mounts, 24 multiple inputs
setting up via RS232 commands, 100 supported formats, 18
driver installation, 114 uninstalling the driver, 115
native resolution, 118
network access, controlling in remote monitoring, 96 network power on/off not working, 146
network settings DHCP setup, 80
static IP network setup, 82 network setup in remote monitoring, 94
Planar UltraRes User Manual | 150 |