normal use thermal guidelines, 13 NVIDIA graphics card setup, 53
offset, 74
operating temperature, 119 optical specifications, 118 optional
kickstand bracket, 25 LCD mounts, 24 mounting template, 24 using the kickstand bracket, 38
order of adjustment, 70 orientation of LCD module, 117
PC not outputting 4K@60Hz, 145 planning your installation, 19
portrait wall mounts front view, 128, 129 power
off auto timer via UltraRes control, 68 off display via UltraRes control, 16 on/off for remote monitoring, 90
power auto on/off, 68
power on/off via network not working, 146 PQLabs touchsrceen, 115
pressure, barometric, 119
rebooting remote monitoring, 98 recommended usage, 12 regulatory information, 148 remote monitoring, 86
Access control, 96 admin setup, 93 advanced setup, 92, 93 Custom Commands, 87 custom commands setup, 93 date and time, 95
display control, 89 home, 86 network setup, 94 power on/off, 90 rebooting the system, 98 software setup, 97
source setup, 91 Unit Status, 88
resolution, of LCD module, 118 RS232
command formats, 102 command/response examples, 104 commands, 102 communication, 100 connecting the cable, 100 response formats, 103
sending commands via UDP, 111 setting up multiple inputs, 100 setting up single inputs, 101 supported UltraRes commands, 105
safety information, 9 instructions, 9
screen brightness, 118
touch, setting up, 114 service plans, ii
setting up baud rate, 96 inputs, 18 multiple inputs, 100
network, in remote monitoring, 94 single inputs, 101
software, in remote monitoring, 97 sources via UltraRes control, 67 touchscreen, 114
setting up sources, 67
signal compatibility, for UltraRes display, 120 single inputs
setting up via RS232 commands, 101 SNMP monitoring, 110
software, installing UltraRes Control, 61 sources, setting up, 67
space requirements, 19
space requirements for installation, 19 specifications
environmental, 119 LCD module, 117 LCD optical, 118 mechanical, 117
splash screen, 69 standby mode, 68
151 | Planar UltraRes User Manual |