EverySunday at midnight, your Polar F11 automatically reviews your progress, resets the Diary and Heart
RateZone views, saves Diary data to Weekly File and reminds you to check your Diary with an envelope
Atin the beginning of each month, if you have not performed the Fitness Test for 30 days, your Polar F11
willautomatically remind you to do so by displaying TEST YOUR OWNINDEX.
Toopen the reminder, press UP and OK.
Totalexercise count of the last week
Totalexercise duration
Totalcalories burned while exercising (Cal/kcal)
Percentageof the weekly target reached (if the program is on)
Atrophy symbol is all yours for the following week if you have reached at least 75 % of your weekly
target.Well done!
22After Exercise