DeterminingYour OwnZone
Findyour OwnZone limits in 1-5 minutes during
warm-upby walking, jogging, or doing some other
sport.Before you start, make sure that your User
settingsare correct and the OwnZone function is
1. Startrecording the exercise. The OwnZone
symbolappears on the display and
determinationbegins. The process is carried
outin five stages. A beep will signal the end of
eachstage. Avoid stopping during OwnZone
•OZ>Walk at a slow pace for 1 min. Keep your
heartrate below 100 bpm/ 50% HRmax during
thisfirst stage.
•OZ>>Walk at a normal pace for 1 min. Smoothly
increaseyour heart rate about 10 bpm/ 5%
•OZ>>>Walkat a brisk pace for 1 min. Smoothly
increaseyour heart rate about 10 bpm/ 5%
•OZ>>>>Jogat a slow pace for 1 min. Smoothly
increaseyour heart rate about 10 bpm/ 5%
•OZ>>>>>Jogat brisk pace or run for 1 min.
2. Whenyou hear two, consecutive beeps, your
OwnZonehas been determined. OwnZone
Updatedalternates with the heart rate limits on
thedisplay after a succesful determination.
IfOwnZone determination fails, OwnZone
Limitsand your previous OwnZone limits will
appearon the display. If OwnZone has not
previouslybeen determined, age-based limits
willbe used.
3. Proceedwith your exercise. Try to stay inside
thegiven heart rate zone to maximize exercise