SelectSettings > WATCH
•TIMER:Set the countdown timer to sound once.
Restartthe timer by pressing and holding OK
whileit is running, or stop it by pressing BACK.
Tohide the running timer, press and hold UP.
•REMIND:You can activate seven different
remindersin your Polar F11. To create a new
reminder,select ADD. Enter Date and Time.
Selectwhen the reminder alarm will be
activated:1 DAY, 1 HOUR, 30 MIN, or 10 MIN
beforeor at the reminder time (ON TIME).
Determinewhether the reminder should sound at
HOURLY,ONCE,or turn the reminder OFF. Select
anexercise to be linked to the reminder, or NONE
ifyou do not want to link it. Rename the
reminderif you like.
Choosean excisting reminder to change it's
attributesor to DELETE it.
Stopthe alarm sound by pressing LIGHT. Press
OKto snooze for 10 minutes and BACK to exit
thereminder view.
•ALARM:Set the alarm to sound DAILY, from
Mondayto Friday (MON-FRI) or turn it OFF. The
alarmfunctions in all modes except in Exercise
mode.Press BACK to stop the alarm or OK to
snoozefor 10 minutes.
•TIME/ TIME2: Set two different time of day
settings.In Time mode, quickly change from
Time1to Time2 by pressing and holding DOWN.
•DATE:Set the date.
HRSET (Heart rate settings)
SelectSettings > HR SET
•HRALARM: Select VOL 2(loud), VOL 1 (quiet), or
•HRVIEW: Select HR (beats per minute), or HR%
(apercentage of your maximum heart rate).