Caring for YourHeart Rate Monitor
WristUnit: Clean with a mild soap and water
solution,dry with towel. Never use alcohol or any
abrasivematerial (steel wool or cleaning
chemicals).Keep in a cool and dry place. Do not
storein a damp environment, in non-breathable
material(a plastic bag or a sports bag) nor with
conductivematerial (a wet towel). Do not expose
todirect sunlight for extended periods.
Transmitter:Detachthe transmitter connector
fromthe strap and rinse the strap under running
waterafter every use. Dry the connector with a soft
towel.Never use alcohol or any abrasive material
(steel,wool or cleaning chemicals).
Washthe strap regularly in a washing machine at
40ºC/104ºFor at lest after every fifth use. This
ensuresreliable measurement and maximizes the
lifespan of the transmitter. Use a washing pouch.
Donot soak, spin-dry, iron, dry clean or bleach the
strap.Do not use detergent with bleach or fabric
softener.Never put the transmitter connector in
thewashing machine or drier!
Dryand store the strap and the transmitter
connectorseparately. Wash the strap in a washing
machinebefore long-term storage, and always
afteruse in pool water with high chlorine content.
CustomerService Information 35