1–Events and Event Logging
Configuring the Event Log
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Configuring the Event LogYou can customize what events are recorded in the switch event log using the
Set Log command. With the Set Log command, you can filter the events to be
recorded by component, specific ports, and severity level. You can choose from
the following component events:
E_Port events
Management server events
Name server events
Port events
Switch management events
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) events
Zoning events
For more information about the CLI commands, refer to the Command Line
Interface Guide for your switch.
Archiving and Downloading the Event LogYou can use the CLI to create a file on the switch that contains the most recent
1200 entries. This file can then be downloaded to the workstation using FTP. To
create and download a log file, do the following:
1. Log into the switch through Telnet and create an archive of the event log
using the Set Log Archive command.
SANbox #> admin start
SANbox (admin) #> set log archive
This creates a file on the switch named logfile.
2. Open an FTP session on the switch and login with the account name images
and password images. Transfer the file logfile in binary mode with the Get
>ftp ip_address
password: images
ftp>get logfile
xxxxx bytes sent in xx secs.