2–Event Messages
Critical Events
2-58 59060-07 D
(C) (8400.0053) (Switch) (The switch WWN is being upgraded)
Meaning: The license upgrade was successful.
(C) (8400.0054) (Switch) (radius: All RADIUS servers failed to respond)
Meaning: None of the Remote Authentication Dial In Service (RADIUS)
servers configured responded. Check the RADIUS server
(C) (8400.0057) (Switch) (User login (user_name) is being closed - Telnet connections have
been disabled
Meaning: A Telnet session has closed.
(C) (8400.0058) (Switch) (User (user_name) is using their initial/default password)
Meaning: The specified user has not changed their password from its initial
(C) (8400.005B) (Switch) (A nicknames configuration edit session has been canceled)
Meaning: A nicknames edit session was canceled by the user.
(C) (8400.005C) (Switch) (The switch will be reset in several seconds due to switch mode
Meaning: The configuration is changing between transparent mode and full
fabric mode. This will result in an automatic switch reset to activate
the change.
(C) (8400.005D) (Switch) (Upgrading License for SANdoctor)
Meaning: The SANdoctor bundle license was applied successfully.
(C) (8400.005E) (Switch) (Upgrading License for Transparent Switch Mode change
Meaning: The Transparent Mode license was applied successfully.
(C) (8400.005F) (Switch) (Upgrading License for SMI-S capability)
Meaning: The Common Information Model (CIM) license was applied
(C) (8400.0060) (Switch) (Warning-Illegal transparent mode configuration, primary and
backup cannot be mapped to the same port. Port port_number 's backup
mapping has been deleted.
Meaning: When mapping TH ports to TF ports, the primary and backup TF
ports cannot be the same for a given TH port.]