2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
2-38 59060-07 D
(A1007.000A) (Security: Dropping lock held by domain domain_id for number seconds)
Meaning: A remote switch has held the fabric lock for too long. The local
switch is dropping the lock in order to send out a Exchange Fabric
Membership Data (EFMD) frame.
Action: None
(A1007.000B) (Security: EFMD Rejected, bad revision)
Meaning: The remote switch is running at a different Exchange Fabric
Membership Data (EFMD) version level than the local switch. Ports
will isolate.
Action: None
(A1007.000C) (Security policy restrict mode, security db differs)
Meaning: The current security policy calls for Restrict Mode, which means
that all switches in the fabric must have the same security
databases or the inter-switch links will not log in. In this case, the
security databases differ.
Action: Reconfigure the active security set so that the ISL group members
are the same.
(A1007.000D) (Security policy in mode mode, other switch in mode mode, sec db conflict)
Meaning: The security policy on the local switch differs from that of the
remote switch.
Action: Configure the security policy on the remote switch to match that of
the local switch.
(A1007.000E) (Security: Auth challenge received from WWN port_WWN, not Authorized to
Meaning: A challenge authentication frame was received from a remote
switch, but the local switch does not have an entry for itself within
the active security set ISL group.
Action: Edit the ISL group to include the local switch.
(A1007.000F) (Security: Chap session Gen Response indicates error, chap unable to
Meaning: An Authentication Response frame cannot be built because the
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) session is
not in the right state. The port will isolate.
Action: Check the remote device for a possible error condition. Reset the
port to retry again. If errors continue, disable CHAP for this device
if the device belongs in the fabric.