2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
2-36 59060-07 D
(A1005.0121) (PT_PARTNER_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION error: Policy policy_name : reason)
Meaning: PT port being downed because partner cannot go online.
Action: Confirm that the PT partners are configured for the same speed.
Confirm that the correct Ethernet media is installed. Confirm that
the attached device is operating properly.
(A1005.0122) (APP_HEARTBEAT_LOST error: Policy policy_name : reason)
Meaning: Communication lost to application.
Action: Contact technical support.
(A1005.0123) (FCF_SINGLE_VLAN_SUPPORTED error: Policy policy_name : reason)
Meaning: Single VLAN support per FCF. The VLAN is being implemented for
the FCF index.
Action: This version of firmware only supports a single VLAN per FCF.
More than one VLAN was found to be configured for this specified
FCF, but only the first one in the list will be used.
(A1006.0004) (Zoning conflict, device_WWN is in an ACL hard zone, but device_WWN
share a soft zone)
Meaning: The named zone members cannot communicate because they are
members of different ACL hard zones.
Action: Place both zone members in the same ACL hard zone or exclude
both from ACL hard zones.
(A1006.0005) (Zoning enforcement error in Nameserver)
Meaning: An error occurred while checking ACL zoning.
Action: Contact your authorized maintenance provider.
(A1006.0006) (Zoning conflict, device_WWN and device_WWN do not share an ACL hard
zone, but device_WWN share a soft zone)
Meaning: The named zone members cannot communicate because they are
members of different ACL hard zones.
Action: Place both zone members in the same ACL hard zone or exclude
both from ACL hard zones.
(A1007.0001) (Security: Unspecified zoning enforcement error)
Meaning: A device was not authorized or it failed security checks and will not
be allowed to join the fabric.
Action: None