2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
59060-07 D 2-13
(A1003.0058) (Active ZoneSet zone_set no longer in database, please deactivate zoneset if
not already in progress or fabric will be inconsistent)
Meaning: A zone set with the same name as the current active zone set no
longer resides in the zoning database. The active zone set will not
be added to the full zone set sequence to prevent inconsistency in
the zoning database.
Action: Deactivate the active zone set to keep the fabric consistent.
(A1003.0059) (Failing remote zoning configuration, zone member type not supported)
Meaning: A remote switch's zoning configuration contains a zone member
type that is not supported.
Action: Edit the zone to remove the unsupported member type.
(A1003.0060) (Zone Merge conflict (Alias mismatch for alias= alias, check members)
Meaning: The zone merge failed due to an alias mismatch.
Action: Examine the zoning configuration for conflicts.
(A1003.0062) (Failing delete orphans zoning request, fabric locked by switch with domain
ID domain_ID. Retry command later.)
Meaning: An attempt was made to delete the orphan zones while the fabric
was locked.
Action: Retry the command later.
(A1003.0063) (Failing delete orphans zoning request, fabric busy. Retry command later.)
Meaning: An attempt was made to delete the orphan zones while the fabric
was busy.
Action: Retry the command later.
(A1003.0064) (UFC failure received from domain domain_ID)
Meaning: An Update Fabric Configuration (UFC) message was received with
a failed status from the switch given by domain_ID.
Action: Check the status of the switch at the given domain ID.
(A1003.0066) (ISL group entry for switch wwn does not contain valid binding
configuration. Entry should have binding domain domain_ID)
Meaning: A switch in the fabric is using a domain ID that differs from the
configured fabric binding domain ID.
Action: Change either the current switch domain ID or the fabric-binding
domain ID so that they match.