2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
59060-07 D 2-39
(A1007.0010) (Security: Chap session Receive Challenge indicates bad state, chap unable
to authenticate)
Meaning: The Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
session state is not in the correct state for a challenge message.
The port will isolate.
Action: Check the remote device for a possible error condition. Reset the
port to retry again. If errors continue, disable CHAP for this device
if the device belongs in the fabric.
(A1007.0011) (Chap failure, isolating with Invalid Attach)
Meaning: Frame does not match format for a Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) status frame. Ports will isolate.
Action: Check the remote device for a possible error condition. Reset the
port to retry again. If errors continue, disable CHAP for this device
if it belongs in the fabric.
(A1007.0012) (Port with World Wide Name (WWN) port_WWN address FC_address not
authorized to login, verify MS security configuration)
Meaning: The port cannot login with the current security configuration.
Action: Add the named port to the Management Server group in the active
security set.
(A1007.0013) (Response from address FC_address, lacks authentication, discarding)
Meaning: A response received on the indicated port lacked Common
Transport (CT) authentication.
Action: Verify that the CT security configuration of the management
application using the remote port is compatible with the
configuration of the Management Server security group on the
(A1007.0014) (Response from WorldWide Name (WWN) device_WWN address FC_address,
failed authentication, discarding)
Meaning: A request received on the indicated port failed Common Transport
(CT) authentication.
Action: Verify that the CT security configuration of the management
application using the remote port is compatible with the
configuration of the Management Server security group on the