2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
2-14 59060-07 D
(A1003.0069) (Failing remote zoning configuration, invalid zone data received)
Meaning: Zoning activation failed because the switch detected invalid zoning
data that is not supported in the local interop mode.
Action: Check your zoning configuration and remove incompatible zone
(A1004.0001) (Port in active hard zone, but not installed or present on this switch.)
Meaning: A zone member in an ACL zone on this switch is defined with an
invalid port number.
Action: Examine the fabric and correct the zone membership.
(A1004.0005) (No communication from neighbor switch on port port_number with domain
ID domain_ID, lost route)
Meaning: This switch has not received a hello from the remote switch for 80
seconds. The routes learned through this link are discarded.
Action: None
(A1004.0008) (Eport Isolating due to ELP Incompatibility)
Meaning: An E_Port isolated due to an ELP (Exchange Link Parameter)
Action: Review the accompanying alarms for a specific cause.
(A1004.0009) (Eport Isolating due to ESC Incompatibility)
Meaning: An E_Port isolated because the connecting switch failed to support
the standard routing protocol FSPF.
Action: Connect a compatible switch.
(A1004.000A) (Eport Isolating due to EFP Domain Overlap)
Meaning: An E_Port isolated because each fabric has a switch with the same
domain ID.
Action: Change the domain ID on one of the conflicting switches.
(A1004.000B) (Eport Isolating due to Switch Administratively Offline)
Meaning: An E_Port isolated because the local switch has been placed
Action: Configure the administrative state to Online to establish the link.