2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
2-24 59060-07 D
(A1005.0042) (Target device port_address attached to port port_number with
IOStreamGuard Enabled)
Meaning: The target device is attached to a port with IO StreamGuard
Action: Disable I/O StreamGuard on the port.
(A1005.0045) (Configured port data conflicting within hardware capabilities)
Meaning: Configured port settings conflict with the hardware capabilities of
the port. The port is down.
Action: Reconfigure the port to be compatible with the port hardware.
(A1005.0047) (Attempts to login backend switch fail because backend switch does not
support NPIV.)
Meaning: The backend fabric switch does not support N_Port ID
Virtualization (NPIV) which in turn brings down the TF_Port.
Action: Ensure that the backend fabric switch supports NPIV.
(A1005.004A) (Temporary license for Fabric Security will expire in hours hour(s))
Meaning: The temporary Fabric Security license will expire in the time
Action: Purchase and install the Fabric Security license to continue using
the security feature.
(A1005.004B) (The switch was reset due to firmware upgrade issues)
Meaning: After a firmware upgrade, the Serial Prom Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC) did not match what was expected. It is likely that
licenses were updated on the switch while running older firmware.
Action: Check your license configuration for changes.
(A1005.004C) (ICCnumber cable installed - ALARM CLEARED)
Meaning: A HyperStack cable has been connected to the specified
Inter-Chassis Connection (ICC) port and the associated alarm has
been cleared.
Action: None
(A1005.004D) (ICCnumber cable not installed - ALARM SET)
Meaning: A HyperStack cable is not connected to the specified Inter-Chassis
Connection (ICC) port and the associated alarm has been set.
Action: None