2–Event Messages
Critical Events
59060-07 D 2-63
(C) (8600.0018) (PortApp) (External port license became available, re-starting downed
external ports)
Meaning: An external port that was previously down because of insufficient
port licenses is now online.
(C) (8600.0019) (PortApp) (Internal port license count exceeded, downing internal port
Meaning: A device attempted to login to an internal port, but a license was
not available. A license upgrade may be required, or a license may
be released by downing ports.
(C) (8600.001A) (PortApp) (Internal port license became available, re-starting downed
internal ports)
Meaning: A license has become available and ports that had been previously
downed to due to unavailable licenses will be restarted.
(C) (8600.001B) (RX Seq Error D_ID sequence_destination S_ID sequence_source SEQ_ID
sequence_ID OX_ID originator_exchange RX_ID recipient_exchange CMPLT
complete_status NFRAMES frame_count)
Meaning: An error was encountered while handling the receive sequence
referenced in the log message. Contact your authorized
maintenance provider.
(C) (8700.0007) (EPort) (Port: port_number) (Received frame from address not in Access
Control List (ACL) hard zone (src address = FC_address, dest address =
Meaning: The destination for the receive frame is in an ACL zone and the
source is not. The frame will not be forwarded.
(C) (8700.000D) (EPort) (Port: port_number) (Resetting Inter-Switch Link (ISL), a time out
value has been reconfigured.)
Meaning: The Resource Allocation (R_A_TOV) or Error Detect (E_D_TOV)
timeout value has been reconfigured. E_Ports will be automatically
reset to inform the neighbor switch of the change.
(C) (8700.000E) (EPort) (Port: port_number) (InteropCredit value was reconfigured,
resetting port.)
Meaning: The InteropCredit parameter has changed. The affected port will
be automatically reset.
(C) (8700.000F) (EPort) (Port: port_number) (Broadcast frame received & broadcast
disabled, discarding broadcast frames.)
Meaning: Broadcast is disabled and the switch has received a broadcast
frame. Enable broadcast to receive broadcast frames.