2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
2-50 59060-07 D
(A3007.0001-000C) (Blade fault (blade_fault - CLEARED)
Meaning: The high or low voltage IBM BladeCenter Module blade fault has
Action: None
(A3007.0001-000D) (Blade fault (value NORMAL_PS_1_2V_2 - CLEARED)
Meaning: The high or low voltage IBM BladeCenter Module blade fault has
Action: None
(A3007.0001-000E) (Blade fault (value NORMAL_PS_1V - CLEARED)
Meaning: The high or low voltage IBM BladeCenter Module blade fault has
Action: None
(A3008.0000) (The configuration area was damaged or a Remake Filesystem was
performed from PROM mode. You must perform a 'config restore' to clear
this error.)
Meaning: The configuration area was damaged or a Remake Filesystem was
performed from Maintenance mode.
Action: Enter the Config Restore command to clear the error. If this does
not correct the problem, contact your authorized maintenance
(A3014.0001) (Blade in slot slot_number set Down due to failure of all AuxPorts)
Meaning: The blade in the named slot has isolated because all auxiliary ports
to the cross-connect blades have failed.
Action: Contact your authorized maintenance provider.
(A3014.0002) (Blade in slot slot_number set Online due to internal failure recovery)
Meaning: The blade in the named slot has recovered at least one auxiliary
port to a cross-connect blade and is no longer isolated.
Action: None
(A3014.0003) (IOn) (Blade blade_ID set Down due to the configured blade type not
matching the installed blade)
Meaning: The I/O blade given by blade_ID has isolated because the
operational blade type does not match the configured blade type.
Action: Change the configured blade type to match the I/O blade that is
present, or insert an I/O blade of the configured blade type.