High-performance Embedded Workshop 16. Using the Test Support Facility
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
Double clicking on the component displays more information on why the test data comparison failed. This can also be
viewed by selecting the test and then clicking the details button on the toolbar.
The results of the tests can be exported to file. The two options are Export and Export All, Export only saves the
results of the currently selected test. Export All saves the results of all the tests executed.
The results can be saved as text or as a comma delimited file for importing into other tools for analysis.
You can also display Test Browser from the workspace window pop-up menu.
Tests (top pane)
Right-clicking displays a pop-up menu containing available options.
Pop-up Menu Option Toolbar Button Function
Export Exports the result.
Export All Exports all results.
Clear - Clears all results.
Test items (bottom pane)
Right-clicking displays a pop-up menu containing available options.
Pop-up Menu Option Toolbar Button Function
Details Displays the details of the result.
16.10 Configuring the Test pane of the Workspace window
The Test pane was created to allow fast access to the tests in your test suite.
When the test suite is opened the test suite is added to the Test tab of the workspace window and the tests in the test
suite are added underneath them. This is shown below.
Right-clicking on either the test suite name or the test gives fast access to the test facilities features.
Right-clicking on the test suite icon ( ) allows you the following options:
Pop-up Menu Option Function
Edit Test Suite Edits the current test suite. Allows you to add and remove tests to the High-performance Embedded
Workshop test system.
Close Test Suite Closes the current test suite.
Compare Test Image File Compares test image file allows you to compare a test image file with the current High-performance
Embedded Workshop system or with another test image file already on your disk. The results are then
displayed in the test browser.
Run Tests Runs tests allows you to run multiple tests that you have defined in the test suite and see the results of
the comparisons in the test browser. There are various options to configure the test run execution.
You can also use this option to refresh the test image files automatically if you make a minor