High-performance Embedded Workshop 3. Commands
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
Command Line Operating Commands
Command Name Abbreviation Description
! - Comment.
ASSERT - Checks if an expression is true or false.
AUTO_COMPLETE AC Switches the auto-completion.
ERASE ER Clears the Command Line window.
HELP HE Displays help for Command Line or help on a command.
LOG LO Controls command output logging.
SLEEP - Delays command execution.
SUBMIT SU Executes a file of commands.
TCL - Turns TCL commands on or off.
Test Supporting Facilities Commands
Command Name Abbreviation Description
CLOSE_TEST_SUITE CTS Closes the current test suite.
COMPARE_TEST_DATA CTD Compares test data and create results.
OPEN_TEST_SUITE OTS Opens a test suite.
RUN_TEST RT Runs a test.
Execution Commands (Available when the debugger is connected)
Command Name Abbreviation Description
FREE_GO * FG Runs program, ignoring any breakpoints.
GO GO Runs program.
GO_RESET GR Runs program from reset.
GO_TILL GT Runs program until specified addresses.
HALT HA Halts program.
RESET RE Resets the microprocessor.
STEP ST Steps through program (by instructions or source lines).
STEP_MODE SM Sets the step mode
STEP_OUT SP Steps out of the current function.
STEP_OVER SO Steps through program without stepping into functions.
STEP_RATE SR Sets rate of stepping.
*. Support for this command depends on the debugger.
Memory Operation Commands (Available when the debugger is connected)
Command Name Abbreviation Description
CACHE * - Sets caching on or off.
FILE_LOAD FL Loads an object (program) file.
FILE_LOAD_ALL LA Loads all object (program) files.
FILE_SAVE FS Saves memory to a file.
FILE_UNLOAD FU Unloads an object file from memory.
FILE_UNLOAD_ALL UA Unloads all object (program) files from memory.
FILE_VERIFY * FV Verifies file contents against memory.
MEMORY_COMPARE * MC Compares memory contents.
MEMORY_DISPLAY MD Displays memory contents.
MEMORY_EDIT ME Modifies memory contents.
MEMORY_FILL MF Fills a block of memory.
MEMORY_FIND * MI Finds a string in an area of memory.
MEMORY_MOVE MV Moves a block of memory.
MEMORY_TEST * MT Tests a block of memory.
*. Support for this command depends on the debugger.