High-performance Embedded Workshop 18. Synchronized Debugging
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
Two new commands are provided when using synchronized debugging. These allow the Debugger that commands will
be executed on to be changed so a command file executed in one Debugger can execute commands on a different
SET_CORE command
Abbreviation: SMC
Description: Sets the current Debugger from the perspective of the command line ECX. All debugger commands from
now on will be sent to the requested Debugger.
Note: This does not effect operations invoked from the GUI.
Syntax: smc <Debugger ID>
Parameter Type Description
<Debugger ID> String Debugger ID. If empty the perspective will be changed back to the local Debugger.
Example: smc “SH-X (core 1)”
From now on debugger commands will be directed to the “SH-X (core 1)” Debugger.
Abbreviation: SAC
Description: Displays a list of available Debuggers. This command is used to get a list of valid inputs for the previous
command. The list of Debuggers displayed will be the same as is displayed on the Debuggers Tab.
Syntax: sac
Parameter Type Description
None Displays a list of available Debuggers.
Some commands cannot be redirected to a different Debugger and will always be executed in the local Debugger no
matter how the “SET_CORE” command is used. The following commands have this limitation: