High-performance Embedded Workshop 3. Commands
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
SET_SOURCE_SOFT_BREAK SSB Sets or deletes a software breakpoint at the source level.
SLEEP - Delays command execution.
STATE_DISASSEMBLY_SOFT_BREAK TDB Enables or disables a software breakpoint at the disassembly level.
STATE_SOURCE_SOFT_BREAK TSB Enables or disables a software breakpoint at the source level.
STEP ST Steps through program (by instructions or source lines).
STEP_MODE SM Sets the step mode.
STEP_OUT SP Steps out of the current function.
STEP_OVER SO Steps through program without stepping into functions.
STEP_RATE SR Sets rate of stepping.
SUBMIT SU Executes a file of commands.
TCL - Turns TCL commands on or off.
TOOL_INFROMATION TO Outputs the tool information.
UPDATE_ALL_DEPENDENCIES *1 UD Updates the current projects build dependencies.
*1. Available only when there is a toolchain installed.
*2. Support for this command depends on the debugger.
For the syntax of each command, refer to the online help.
High-performance Embedded Workshop Application Control Commands
Command Name Abbreviation Description
ADD_FILE AF Adds a file to the current project.
CHANGE_CONFIGURATION CC Sets the configuration to the specified configuration name.
CHANGE_PROJECT CP Sets the specified project file as the current project.
CHANGE_SESSION CS Sets the specified session as the current session.
CLEAR_OUTPUT_WINDOW COW Clears the contents of the specified tab in the output window.
CLOSE_WORKSPACE CW Closes the specified workspace file.
EVALUATE EV Evaluates an expression.
OPEN_WORKSPACE OW Opens the specified workspace file.
QUIT QU Exits High-performance Embedded Workshop.
RADIX RA Sets default input radix.
REFRESH_SESSION RSE Reloads the session file.
REMOVE_FILE REM Removes a file from the current project.
SAVE_SESSION SE Saves the current session.
SAVE_WORKSPACE SW Saves the current workspace.
TOOL_INFORMATION TO Outputs the tool information.
Build Commands (Available only when there is a toolchain installed)
Command Name Abbreviation Description
BUILD BU Performs a build on the current project.
BUILD_ALL BL Performs a build all on the current project.
BUILD_FILE BF Performs a build on the file.
BUILD_MULTIPLE BM Performs a build on the multiple projects and configurations.
CLEAN CL Deletes intermediate and output files produced in building.
GENERATE_MAKE_FILE GM Generates a build makefile for the current workspace.
UPDATE_ALL_DEPENDENCIES UD Updates the current projects build dependencies.