High-performance Embedded Workshop 17. Using the Debugger
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
This dialog box displays pixel information on the cursor location.
Color Mode Displays the format of the image.
Pixel Displays color information of the cursor location. (Displayed in decimal)
Displays the cursor location in X and Y coordinate. (Displayed in decimal)
X Displays the X-coordinate of the cursor lo catio n.
Y Displays the Y-coordinate of the cursor lo catio n.
Displays the buffer size. (Displayed in decimal)
Width Displays the buffer width.
Buffer Size
Height Displays the buffer height.
Displays the width and height of the display. (Displayed in decimal)
Width Displays the width.
Image Size
Height Displays the height.
17.5 Displaying memory contents as Waveforms
Memory contents can be displayed as wave forms in the Waveform window.
Support for this function depends on the debugger.
17.5.1 Opening the Waveform window
Choose [View -> Graphic -> Waveform] or click the Waveform toolbar button ( ) to open the Waveform
Properties dialog box.
Specifies the waveform format. The following items can be specified.
Data Address Specifies the start address of data in memory. (Displayed in hexadecimal)
Data Size Selects 8bit or 16bit.
Channel Specifies Mono or Stereo.
Buffer Size (Hex) Specifies the buffer size of data. (Displayed in hexadecimal)
After the settings have been made in the Waveform Properties dialog box, clicking the OK button opens the
Waveform window.
Even after the Waveform window is displayed, the display contents can be modified by opening this dialog box by
choosing Properties from the pop-up menu.
Displays the memory contents as waveforms. The X-coordinate shows the number of sampling data and the Y-
coordinate shows the sampling value.