High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Main Menus
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
Find CTRL+F - Finds text in the current file.
Find In Files F4 - Finds text in multiple files.
Replace CTRL+H - - Replaces text in the current file.
Goto Line CTRL+G - - Jumps to a line in a file.
Match Braces CTRL+SHIFT+M - Finds a matching brace.
Bookmark CTRL+F2 - Sets a bookmark at the current line or
clears a bookmark at the current line.
Bookmark F2 - Jumps to the next bookmark in the current
file from the current line.
Bookmark SHIFT+F2 - Jumps to the previous bookmark in the
current file from the current line.
Clear All
Bookmarks - - Clears all bookmarks in the current file.
Templates - - Defines a template.
Template CTRL+SHIFT+T - Inserts a template.
Toggle Breakpoint F9 Sets or clears a software breakpoint at the
line showing the address.
Breakpoint CTRL+F9 Enables or disables the current software
Define Column Format - - - Sets the status of editor columns.
Source Breakpoints CTRL+B - - Opens the Breakpoins dialog box.
Evaluate - - - Evaluates simple and complex


*. Operations with some menu options can be recorded as High-performance Embedded Workshop command-line

commands by the macro-recording support facility. A macro record icon ( ) in the "Macro Recording" column of a

menu option indicates that this function can be recorded into a macro file. For details, see section 15.5.1, Recordable

functions (common to all High-performance Embedded Workshop products).

1.3 View Menu Options
Menu Menu Option Shortcut Key Toolbar
Button Macro
Recording *1 Saving into Test-
Image File *2 Function
Differences - - - - Opens the Difference window.
Map *3 - - - Opens the map window.
Command Line CTRL+L - - Opens the Command Line window.
TCL Toolkit CTRL+SHIFT+K - - See the "Tcl/Tk Additional document".
Workspace ALT+K - Opens the Workspace window.
Output ALT+O - *4 Opens the Output window.
Status Bar ALT+A - - Toggles the status bar on and off.
Disassembly CTRL+D - Opens the Disassembly window.
Registers CTRL+R Opens the Registers window.
Memory CTRL+M Opens the Memory window.
IO CTRL+I Opens the IO window.
Status CTRL+U - Opens the Status window.
Image *3 CTRL+SHIFT+G - - Opens the Image window.
Waveform *3 CTRL+SHIFT+V - - Opens the Waveform window.
Code Stack Trace CTRL+K - Opens the Stack Trace window.