High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
*. The project directory having the project name is created under the workspace directory used for creation of a new
How to set up build options
To set up build options kept with a configuration, select the configuration from the drop-down list box in the dialog box
for set up build option opened from the Build menu. Options such as the compiler, assembler, and optimizing linkage
editor can be set up. The figure below shows the dialog box used for setup of build options for the Renesas SuperH
Standard toolchain.
See section 2.7, Build configurations, for more information about a configuration.
• Session
What is session?
Sessions, which have their own names, are the units to manage various settings such as High-performance Embedded
Workshop debugger options * used for debugging with connection to the debugging platform and options specific to the
debugging platform, and information on the Memory and Register windows and their positions. The term "session" can
also be referred to as "debugger session".