High-performance Embedded Workshop 18. Synchronized Debugging
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
When you right click on a Debugger ID the following menu will be displayed:
Reset CPU
Reset Go
Step In
Step Out
Step Over
Halt Program
Allow Docking
When an operation is selected it will be executed on the selected Debugger(s) only. All synchronizations are ignored
when an operation is executed from the Debuggers tab. When debugging a multi-core platform, some operations will be
disabled. These are operations that are always synchronized by the hardware which means that the operation cannot be
executed on the platform’s cores separately.
Menu items will also be disabled if the operation is not possible on the selected Debugger. For example, if you right
click on a Debugger which is running, only the “Halt Program” menu item will be enabled.
The “Properties” menu item is used to find out information on a Debugger. When selected, a dialog will be displayed
containing the following items: Workspace file, workspace name, project name and session name.
The “Activate” menu item is only enabled when debugging in Internal mode. When selected this will make the selected
Debugger the currently active one. See section 18.2.3, Internal mode functionality for more information.
Debugger operations
The following table describes the operations that can be synchronized. The synchronized operations are determined by
the selections on the Synchronized Debug dialog box. The table columns contain the following data:
Operation: Name of the operation.
Option(s): The check box option (or options) that must be checked on the Synchronized Debug dialog for
the operation to be synchronized.
Method: How the operation is executed in High-performance Embedded Workshop.
Effect: The effect (in all synchronized Debuggers) of executing the operation.
“initial platform” means the platform connected to the Debugger where the operation was started. Sometimes the effect
in this Debugger can be different from the others, depending on the operation executed.
Operation Option(s) Method Effect
Reset CPU Reset “Debug->Reset CPU” menu.
Reset CPU toolbar button.
“reset” command.
After download when “Reset CPU after download” option is
Resets all synchronized platforms.
Go Go “Debug->Go” menu.
Go toolbar button.
“go” command.
Runs all synchronized platforms.
Go Until Go “Debug->Run” menu.
After reset when “Run to main on reset” option is enabled.
Editor pop-up “Go to Cursor” menu.
Runs initial platform with a specific set of
temporary breakpoints.
Runs all other synchronized platforms normally.
Reset Go Reset and
Go “Debug->Reset Go” menu.
Reset Go toolbar button.
“go_reset” command.
Resets and then Runs all synchronized
platforms (Note: This may not be the same as
performing a reset and go separately,
depending on your platform)
Break Break/Halt Breakpoint is reached. Stops all synchronized platforms running.
Halt Break/Halt “Debug->Halt” Program menu.
Halt toolbar button.
“halt” command.
Stops all synchronized platforms running.