High-performance Embedded Workshop 3. Advanced Build Features
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
3. Advanced Build Features This chapter explains the advanced build concepts.
3.1 The build process revisited
“Chapter 2, Build Basics” began by describing the build process in terms of a compiler, an assembler and a linker. This
will be the case for most installations of the High-performance Embedded Workshop. However, if you want to begin
changing the build process (e.g. adding and removing phases) then it is important to understand more about the way in
which a build functions.
3.1.1 What is a build?
Building a project means applying a set of tools upon certain input files in order to produce the desired output. Thus, we
apply a compiler upon C/C++ source files in order to create object files, we apply an assembler upon assembler source
files in order to create object files and so forth. At each step or ‘phase’ of the build, we apply a different tool upon a
different set of input files. The figure below presents a different view of the build process.
The High-performance Embedded Workshop provides the ability to change this build process via its Build Phases
dialog box, which can be accessed by selecting [Build -> Build Phases]. On the left-hand side are the phases that are
defined in the current project.