High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
1.14.3 Step 2: Editing a macro (viewing records)
1. Select [Tools -> Macros] to invoke the Macro dialog box. The High-performance Embedded Workshop
macro file “Default”, in which a macro has been recorded, is listed in Current macro file.
2. Select the macro “Demo” in Macro functions and click the Edit button. The editor window shows the High-
performance Embedded Workshop macro file “Default.hdc”, in which a macro has been recorded.
Within a High-performance Embedded Workshop macro file, the High-performance Embedded Workshop command-
line commands of the operations listed below are included between the lines showing information to identify macros.
When a macro includes operations such as running a program, the Debug tab of the Output window shows information
including the cause of a stop. This may cause difference in comparison of test results. To clear the contents of the tabs
in the Output window, the High-performance Embedded Workshop command-line command clear_output_window is
available. It is possible to add the line at the next line of “#Macro Demo-Start” to clear the information in the Debug
tab of the Output window.
clear_output_window debug
Modify the description as required and click the Save File button ( ) on the Editor toolbar. Close the High-
performance Embedded Workshop macro file “Default.hdc”.