If Your Machine Does Not Operate As You Want









Document Server






























"Scanned pages exceeded

The number of scanned pages exceeds the capacity per



max. number. Do you want

file of the Document Server.



to store the scanned pag-

To store scanned pages as a file, press [Store File].



es as a file?" appears.

Scanned data is stored as a file in the Document Server.





If you do not want to store scanned pages, press [No].





Scanned data is deleted.









You forgot your password.


Contact the administrator.









You cannot find out what is stored in

Check the date or time column in the Document Server:



a file.


Select Files to Print display.











Check document content by printing it's first page. Press





the line of the document in the Document Server: Select





Files to Print display, and then press [Print 1st Page] fol-





lowed by the {Start} key.









Memory frequently becomes full.

• Press [Delete File] to delete selected documents to in-





crease available memory.





• Delete documents stored using the scanner function.









See Scanner Reference.








You want to check print quality be-

Check print quality by printing out only the first set us-



fore making a large print run.

ing the {Sample Copy} key.









"Original is being


The copier or scanner function is in use. To cancel a job



scanned by another func-

in progress, first press [Exit], and then press the {Copy}



tion." appears.


key or {Scanner} key. Next, press the {Clear/Stop} key.





When the message "[Stop] key was pressed.





Stop storing?" appears, press [Stop].












































"Used Toner Bottle

The waste toner bottle is

Check your maintenance service




full and it is time to replace




"Used Toner Bottle











is full."






"Please replace






Used Toner Bottle."