Spanning Tree
ROS™ v3.5 160 RS400
Figure 109: Bridge RSTP Parameters Form
Synopsis: Any combination of numbers valid for this parameter
The port number as seen on the front plate silkscreen of the switch (or a list of ports, if
aggregated in a port trunk).
Synopsis: { Disabled, Listening, Learning, Forwarding, Blocking, Link Down, Discarding }
Status of this port in Spanning Tree. This may be one of the following:
Disabled - STP is disabled on this port.
Link Down - STP is enabled on this port but the link is down.
Discarding - The link is not used in the STP topology but is standing by.
Learning - The port is learning MAC addresses in order to prevent flooding when it begins
forwarding traffic.
Forwarding - The port is forwarding traffic.
Synopsis: { <empty string>, Root, Designated, Alternate, Backup, Master }