Samsung FG87SBTR/BW, FG87SSTR/BWT manual Jihozlar, Mikrotolqinli Pechni Ornatish, Vazifasi


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Rolikli taglik aylanuvchi patnisni ushlab turadi.



Modelga qarab, uning to'plamiga bir nechta jihozlar kiradi va ular turli funktsiyalarni amalga oshiradi.

1. Rolikli taglik - pechning markaziga o'rnatiladi.


2.Aylanuvchi patnis - rolikli taglikda shunday o'rnatiladiki, uning markazi muftaga to'g'ri kelishi lozim.

Vazifasi: Aylanuvchi patnis ovqat tayyorlash uchun asosiy yuza bo'lib xizmat qiladi; uni osonlik bilan pechdan chiqarib olish va yuvish mumkin.

3.Gril panjarasi - aylanuvchi patnisga o'rnatiladi.

Vazifasi: Metall panjaradan gril rejimida va taom tayyorlashning birgalikdagi rejimida foydalanish mumkin.

4. Idishni suv quyish uchun tozalang, 17-betga


Vazifasi: Idishdan pechni tozalashda foydalaniladi.

Mikroto'lqinli pechdan rolikli taglik va aylanuvchi patnissiz FOYDALANMANG.


1.Pechning ichidagi barcha o'rama

materiallarni chiqarib oling. Rolikli taglik va aylanuvchi patnisni o'rnating.

Aylanuvchi patnis bemalol aylanishini tekshiring.

2. Ushbu pech elektr manbaiga ulash vilkasidan osongina foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan tarzda joylashtirilishi


Agar elektr kabeli shikastlangan bo'lsa, uni maxsus kabelga yoki ishlab chiqaruvchi, yoki uning xizmat ko'rsatish bo'yicha vakolatli agentidan xarid qilinishi mumkin bo'lgan elektr tarmog'iga ulanish to'plamiga almashtirish zarur. Xavfsizlikni ta'minlash uchun elektr kabeli vilkasini o'zgaruvchan tok tarmog'ining tegishlicha yerga tutashtirilgan rozetkasiga ulang. Agar ushbu qurilmaning elektr kabeli shikastlangan bo'lsa, uni maxsus kabel bilan almashtirish zarur.

Mikroto'lqinli pechni issiq yoki nam joyga, masalan, oddiy oshxona plitasi yoki isitish radiatori yoniga o'rnatmang. Pech iste'mol qiladigan quvvatni inobatga olish zarur va har qanday uzaytirgich pech bilan birga yetkazib berilgan tarmoq shnurining xuddi shu standartiga mos kelishi kerak.

Mikroto'lqinli pechni ilk marta ishlatishdan oldin uning ichki yuzasini va eshikchaning zichlagichini nam latta bilan arting.

O’zbek - 12

FG87SSTR_BWT_DE68-04371A-02_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 12

2017-12-11 ￿￿ 12:07:58

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Samsung FG87SBTR/BW Jihozlar, Mikrotolqinli Pechni Ornatish, Vazifasi, Idishni suv quyish uchun tozalang, 17-betga

FG87SBTR/BW, FG87SSTR/BWT specifications

The Samsung FG87SSTR/BWT and FG87SBTR/BW are modern built-in appliances featuring advanced technology and user-centric designs that cater to today’s cooking needs. These multifunctional ovens exemplify Samsung's commitment to fusion between technology and culinary excellence, making them perfect for both amateur cooks and seasoned chefs.

One of the standout features of the FG87 series is its innovative Smart Oven functionality, which utilizes a variety of cooking methods including convection, grilling, and microwave options. This versatility allows users to prepare dishes quickly and efficiently, ensuring a delectable outcome each time. The convection cooking technology ensures even heating throughout the oven, facilitating optimal baking and roasting results.

These models come equipped with Samsung’s unique Dual Cook system, allowing users to simultaneously cook two different dishes at varying temperatures and times. This feature is particularly beneficial for busy households, enabling users to save time and energy without compromising on flavor or texture. The split door design innovatively separates the cooking compartments, allowing for more flexible meal prep.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the FG87SSTR/BWT and FG87SBTR/BW is the integration of the SmartThings app, which provides users with remote control capabilities. This technology enables users to preheat the oven, adjust cooking settings, and monitor dishes from their mobile devices, making it convenient to manage meal preparation on the go.

In terms of design, these Samsung ovens are meticulously crafted with sleek lines and a modern finish, allowing them to seamlessly blend into any kitchen decor. Their robust build quality ensures durability, while user-friendly controls, including a responsive touchscreen interface, simplify operation.

The self-cleaning feature is an added convenience, using high temperatures to burn off food residues, leaving behind only ash that can be easily wiped away. This significantly reduces the time and effort spent on maintenance.

With energy efficiency in mind, both models comply with stringent energy standards, making them environmentally friendly choices that also lead to savings on energy bills. Additionally, safety features such as child lock and overheating protection add peace of mind for family households.

In conclusion, Samsung’s FG87SSTR/BWT and FG87SBTR/BW ovens represent the pinnacle of culinary technology, combining a range of cooking methods, intelligent features, and stylish designs. Perfect for modern kitchens, these appliances make cooking not only efficient but also enjoyable.