S3F80P5_UM_ REV1.00 TIMER 1
11 TIMER 1
The S3F80P5 microcontroller has a 16-bit timer/counter called Timer 1 (T1). For universal remote controller
applications, Timer 1 can be used to generate the envelope pattern for the remote controller signal. Timer 1 has
the following components:
One control register, T1CON (FAH, Set 1, Bank0, R/W)
Two 8-bit counter registers, T1CNTH and T1CNTL (F6H and F7H, Set 1, Bank0, Read-only)
Two 8-bit reference data registers, T1DATAH and T1DATAL (F8H and F9H, Set 1, Bank0, R/W)
One 16-bit comparator
You can select one of the following clock sources as the Timer 1 clock:
Oscillator frequency (fOSC) divided by 4, 8, or 16
Internal clock input from the counter A module (counter A flip/flop output)
You can use Timer 1 in three ways:
As a normal free run counter, generating a Timer 1 overflow interrupt (IRQ1, vector F4H) at programmed time
To generate a Timer 1 match interrupt (IRQ1, vector F6H) when the 16-bit Timer 1 count value matches the
16-bit value written to the reference data registers.
To generate a Timer 1 capture interrupt (IRQ1, vector F6H) when a triggering condition exists at the P3.0
(You can select a rising edge, a falling edge, or both edges as the trigger).
In the S3F80P5 interrupt structure, the Timer 1 overflow interrupt has higher priority than the Timer 1 match or
capture interrupt.
The CPU clock should be faster than timer 1 clock.